
Distance of Bharmour from Major Cities and Towns

Distance of Bharmour from Major Cities and Towns: Explore the distances from Bharmour to major cities and towns including Chamba, Dharamshala, Pathankot, Khajjiar, Dalhousie, Delhi, Chandigarh, Amritsar, Jalandhar, Palampur, Manali, and Shimla. Get insights on travel times, modes of transport, and approximate taxi fares for a seamless journey to the serene and picturesque town of Bharmour in Himachal Pradesh, nestled in the heart of the Himalayas.

Bharmour, often referred to as the “Land of Shiva,” is a quaint and serene town located in the Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, India. It’s known for its scenic beauty, ancient temples, and as the gateway to the Manimahesh Yatra, a pilgrimage dedicated to Lord Shiva. The town is also the former capital of the princely state of Chamba and is renowned for its rich history and cultural heritage. For those planning to visit Bharmour or explore its surrounding wildlife sanctuaries and natural landscapes, knowing the distance from important places can be quite helpful. Here’s a brief overview:

Distance of Bharmour from Major Cities and Towns - HRTC Himachal Road Transport Corporation bus on a mountain road
HRTC Himachal Road Transport Corporation bus on a mountain road

Distance of Bharmour from Major Cities and Towns:

Below is a detailed summary of the distances, approximate travel times, modes of transport available, and an estimated taxi fare from various locations to Bharmour. Please note that taxi fares can vary based on factors like the type of vehicle, fuel price fluctuations, and specific service providers. The fares mentioned are approximate values for a standard sedan car and are intended to give you a rough idea of the cost.

Distance of Bharmour from Chamba

The Chamba to Bharmour distance is approximately 61 kilometers. The journey typically takes about 2 to 3 hours by road, depending on the traffic and road conditions.

Dharamshala to Bharmour Distance

Dharamshala is around 180 kilometers away from Bharmour. The travel time can vary from 6 to 8 hours by road, influenced by the route taken and current traffic situations.

Pathankot to Bharmour Distance

Pathankot, often used as a railway junction for travelers heading to Himachal Pradesh, is about 180 kilometers from Bharmour. The drive usually takes approximately 6 to 7 hours.

Khajjiar to Bharmour Distance

Khajjiar, often referred to as the ‘Mini Switzerland of India,’ is roughly 100-120 kilometers from Bharmour. The drive takes around 3 to 4 hours, offering scenic views along the way.

Dalhousie to Bharmour Distance

Dalhousie is one of the nearest major tourist destinations to Bharmour, located approximately 110-130 kilometers away. The road journey can take about 3 to 4 hours.

Delhi to Bharmour Distance

The Distance of Bharmour from Delhi is roughly 620-640 kilometers, with an estimated driving time of 12 to 14 hours, making it a long but scenic journey through various terrains of North India.

Chandigarh to Bharmour Distance

The distance is approximately 330-350 kilometers, and it usually takes about 9 to 11 hours to travel by road. Chandigarh serves as a significant gateway city for travelers heading towards Himachal Pradesh.

Amritsar to Bharmour Distance

Distance of Bharmour from Amritsar is around 290-310 kilometers. The journey by road can take approximately 7 to 9 hours, depending on the route and traffic conditions.

Jalandhar to Bharmour Distance

The distance between Jalandhar and Bharmour is about 260-280 kilometers, with a travel time of around 7 to 8 hours by road.

Palampur to Bharmour Distance

Palampur is relatively closer to Bharmour, with a distance of about 210-230 kilometers. The travel time by road is typically around 6 to 7 hours.

Manali to Bharmour

As previously mentioned, the Distance of Bharmour from Manali is around 310-330 kilometers, with the travel time being about 8 to 10 hours by road.

Shimla to Bharmour Distance

Also noted earlier, Shimla is about 350-370 kilometers away from Bharmour, and the journey by road can take approximately 9 to 11 hours.

Keep in mind that these are approximate values and actual fares can vary. It’s always a good idea to confirm with local taxi operators or through ride-hailing apps available in the region for the most current rates. Additionally, for bus travel, checking with the local bus station for the latest schedules and ticket prices is advisable as they can change based on season and demand.

Travel Tips:

Road Conditions: The road conditions vary significantly with weather and season. It’s advisable to check the current road status, especially during monsoon and winter months, as landslides and snowfall can lead to roadblocks.

Public Transport: Buses from major towns like Chamba, Pathankot, and Dharamshala to Bharmour are available but may not be very frequent. Planning ahead and considering private taxi services for more flexibility is recommended.

Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit Bharmour is from April to November when the weather is pleasant, and the roads are mostly clear of snow. However, for those wishing to partake in the Manimahesh Yatra, it usually takes place in August/September.

Exploring Himachal Pradesh with Ease Your Ultimate Taxi Booking Guide

Bharmour is not just a destination but a journey into the heart of the Himalayas, offering a blend of natural beauty, spiritual solace, and cultural richness. Whether you’re trekking to the high-altitude lakes, visiting ancient temples, or simply soaking in the serene atmosphere, the journey to Bharmour is sure to be an unforgettable experience.

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