Shivshakti Temple is loacted at Chhatrari, a very beautiful, natural and historical village located in the Tehsil of Chamba district and the last village of Chamba Tehsil. This village is 49 kms from the district headquarters Chamba. It is situated on the left side of River Ravi a stream Kunta is also following from the Kunr village and separated Bharmour Tehsil to Chamba. This village is easily approachable by bus road which is well mettaled. Hppwd rest house is also there for stay. It is a famous temple of aadi shakti which constructed by king Meru Varman in 7th century. It is generally located 6km apart from luna village above the ravi river.
The Aadishakti -Shiv Shakti is a famous historical temple of Shiv Shakti mataji which is constructed by King Meru Varman in 7th Century. it is generally located 6 km apart from luna village situated above the ravi. The shiv shakti temple is the famous temple in all over the india in which many of visitos are come here when there wishes comes true. the most common advantage of this temple is that after the complection of the manimahesh yatra people come here from various region to see the particular location and also pray from shiv shakti mata that their wishes comes true. Jai ho Shiv Shakti ki !!!!!!!
Shivshakti temple is constructed by the wooden and very unique wooden and painting work is also done. On the day of Radhasthmi when the Manimahesh fair is finished on the same day in the morning a priest from Shiv Shakti temple moves towards Manimahesh Lake and bring a sacred water from the lake. The priest does Holy bath to the image of Shiv Shakti image at Chhatrari. After that new sacred cloths were wear to the goddess Shiv shakti. Second day Chhatrari fair began and in the evening a Chariot of Butek Mahadev is also take place. In the ground of Shiv Shakti temple four local people dance and wear mask. From these four mask wear one is in the form of Shiv Shakti Godess and all other three are in the form of bad evil (rakshas). Godess fought with the Raksas and Goddess show as a winner in this war. This show the victory of truth upon untruth. Third and fourth fair is celebrated with the participation of large number of local people. A local Gaddis dance was also held with their tradition gaddis dress in the ground of Shiv Shakti temple.Built around 700 AD, the Temple houses this beatific idol of Goddess Shakti whose equal is difficult to find in the entire Chamba/ Bharmour region. Legend has it that the Artist Gugga who made this idol, did so looking at his daughter who was squint, and the same feature can be found on the Idol too.